Thursday, May 6, 2021

Leadership Issues

In the Before Times, there were politicians, as well as reporters in the press, who were willing and able to tell the truth about our 'leaders'.   Think about someone like H.L. Mencken.  Mencken made a career out of telling the truth, adding some wit, and putting it in a newspaper.

This was H.L. Mencken ... 100 years ago, commenting on the sacred institution of school:

See?  All he did was write what school really was.  He could see that a free and capable person was able to learn and flourish in the Country Formerly Known As America. Only the True Believer gets angry at a quote like Mencken's.  He was equally withering when discussing politicians.  I don't know anyone like him today.

It's why we have to go to outside sources to hear that the Emperor has no clothes.  Why I have to hear from the Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman for things like this sad:

Lack of leadership - she's got that right.  To think that Western Europe, the United States, and much of the modern world is run by imbeciles is a tough pill to swallow, but it's difficult to argue.

Ok, so she isn't quite H.L. Mencken, but you see my point.  All we have now are small armies of Progressive politicians and Karens who want to force others to wear a mask.  They don't care about any of the other stuff - like the facts and science behind the uselessness of masks.  In the olden days, there would be someone on NBC, or ABC, who would point these things out.  Now we've got virtue signaling, status jockeying, and clout chasing clods in politics and media who are only interested in the power to make you do as they say. They're working on forcing you to think the way they do as well.  That's the whole point behind cancel culture.  How dare you have your own thoughts?

When it's necessary to reach all the way to the Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman to hear some truth in the news, you know things are bad.


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