Saturday, May 22, 2021

Definitely Not a Cult

Paul Joseph Watson sees what I and many others see.

This mask thing is an amazing modern day study, in real time, of the human mind.  I see it as an opportunity to watch human psychology in action.

For me, it exposes the human craving for status.  The weaker minds, ie: the gamma male, the white liberal female, the NYC democrat, are all married to the mask.  They can't seem to get away from wearing it.  Because their status of 'smart' and a 'good person' and someone who 'votes the right way' and is 'on the right side of history' and 'orange man bad' is on the line, they will virtue signal til the bitter end.

Does it matter that the (political) SCIENCE of the day says fully vaccinated people can simply walk around and do whatever they want without a mask?  No.  Not really.

Remember, these were the people bleating "follow the SCIENCE!" for the past 15 months.  Now that the SCIENCE says otherwise - it doesn't seem to matter.  Status wins out.  

It looks like Spandrell's essay on 'Bioleninism' should be required reading for every college psychology class.  It will be a cold day in hell when that happens because it causes Normies heads to explode, but for the rest of us, its invaluable writing.

PJW doing his thing:


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