Sunday, April 11, 2021

The International Stupid 19 GRIFT

The regular people, those of us on the 'left' and 'right' who can think for themselves have seen this GRIFT for the past year:

The people with the leftist hive mind were possibly the most ridiculous during this time.  People like me would tell them this was happening, and they'd scream coviddd denier!!! at you for pointing out what they should have seen: the incredible upward movement of capital.

When I was a left leaning person we had a tripwire sensitivity to organized power and wealth.  When I saw not only the Big Corps raking in huge dollars, but also the silence of the Liberal / Democrat crowd, it was obvious that the fix was in.  The next time one of these so-called liberals starts popping off about how they hate "millionaires and billionaires" I will remind them about the Stupid 19 narrative and how they carried water for it.  

This is why it's Stupid 19.  All you had to do was tell those with the Hive Mind that 'covid was a thing' and they'd shut up.  It's so darkly brilliant I almost wish I'd thought of it first.

I heard the Hoteps using 'Stupid 19' and I had to co-sign with that term.  It's perfect. 

It could have been stopped.  Real science, like the people who authored the Great Barrington Declaration, could have been adopted.  But no.  The Globalist Big Corp alliance had everyone scared out of their minds, and they ran around (and are still running around) wearing two masks and volunteering for the Dangerous Fauci Juice.

Even Kurt Schlichter is trying to get Conservative Inc. to see what is right in front of the Establishment Conservative FOX watching crowd.  And yes, they have their own Hive Mind as well:

"It’s not even just the lectures about how we are all the -ists and all the -phobes. The corporations have fought for open borders. They have sent our jobs overseas and killed small businesses at home by leveraging the government to favor the Walmarts and Costcos over the mom and pops. Why do you think your little shop (not to mention your church) had to close because of Covid, but the big boxes were wide open and packed?"

Clay Travis fights this fight at Outkick, Tom Woods has the best newsletter on the topic, and even the Superintendent of my school district where I work is trying to push things back to normal.

What we've seen is an amazing example of how easy it is for the Ultra Wealthy to get wealthier.  I tell students that the big four ingredients for control are:
  • Sick
  • Stupid
  • Broke
  • Afraid
The elite only need to use one of them to achieve complete command over the masses and enrich themselves.  I think you know which one they used this time.

My Udemy classes are here - extremely low price and you have them forever.

I also sell custom made mugs. I'll do personalized orders as well. They are all made in the United States - in Pennsylvania.

All of the mugs are here on Gearbubble. These are made in the USA, and if you don't want to contribute to Amazon's record profits during this time of CV19, the Gearbubble link is the one to use. Thank you!

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