Thursday, April 8, 2021

Dangerous Medicine Kit - Fauci Edition

Fauci Juice is all over the news.  They've been pushing it really hard.  It's really strange.  2larryjohnson7 had this on his twitter feed.  Something is up:

Johnson's point is a good one.  We keep hearing about 'white supremacy', yet when the Big Pharma tip of the white supremacist spear comes up with a rushed medical kit Vax, people are supposed to run right to it.  Apparently they do, as folks are bragging about getting the jab on social media.

About a month after getting the white man's medicine, this vivacious and bright woman died.

Here's the strange thing.  I looked her up on Wikipedia, and someone is already running cover:

Check the 3 articles on her death.  NONE of them mention that she died in a car accident.  Why is that on her wikipedia page?  As of this morning, I can't find any source that says that.  The Fauci Juice may have had nothing to do with it, as she mentioned that she had asthma.  However, everything surrounding this Jab that we're supposed to get is strange.

Larry Johnson's take on the jab is popular in the Black neighborhood.  I spoke with a few women at work about it, and they all are going to give it a hard pass.  One colleague noted that as soon as she'd heard it was going to be directed specifically at "black and brown" neighborhoods, she got suspicious.  Since when is the health of 'black and brown' neighborhoods a priority?  I think she has a point.


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