Saturday, April 24, 2021

After The Verdict There is MOAR Endless WORK to be Done

Michael Tracey has a substack column.  I am a subscriber.  You should subscribe too.

Tracey goes off on The Top of the Pyramid, the people who rule over us and control the Narrative.  The Chauvin trial, the Trial of the Century, just finished.  Chauvin was declared guilty on all counts.  As usual, look at the reaction.  Tracey does this, to great effect.

In his latest column he shows the repetitive, thoughtless, Salem Witch Trial repetitiveness of what passes for discourse today:

To think that this is 2021, the 'modern' age:

Be in awe of the epic grift. This is exactly what I tell students about the "Narrative".  They see this and they are instantly aware that they're getting played.  And it isn't just this.  I go further.  This was my comment on Tracey's site:

"And none of this BS reaches the black neighborhood high school where I ply my trade. A few top bureaucrats spew this nonsense - it's virtue signaling of course - and then that's it. The actual work is quite hard as the institution of school has been converged and corrupted with this nonsense. What makes it even more difficult is that once out of the school building, Student X is bathed in this Shirley Jackson "The Lottery" style kabuki theater. The teenage mind is told that it is never at fault for anything bad; it's the "work" of other people and corporations that will change the world and make it wonderful for them.

Actual work on young people's part (individual responsibility) is talked about only in many of the classrooms. Outside, on social media, everywhere else, 'work' is the only 4 letter word you're NOT allowed to say."

The devolution is right in front of your face.  If you have someone you care about, and he's listening and taking Corporate Media, Hollywood, or the platitudes found on the Campus seriously, spend a small amount of time trying to teach him to snap out of it.

If you can't, then move on.  They're not worth your time.


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All of the mugs are here on Gearbubble. These are made in the USA, and if you don't want to contribute to Amazon's record profits during this time of CV19, the Gearbubble link is the one to use. Thank you!

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