Sunday, January 3, 2021

‘Wokeness went insane in 2020’

I've been watching, listening, and reading a good deal of British media, particularly Spiked Online and Talk Radio.

There's something about the British dry humor, and subtle digs and stabs they're able to take at the Ruling Elite.  It's enjoyable to listen to and it makes me feel smart.

Brendan O'Neill has been on fire lately.  Here he talks about the ability of the Ruling Class and their total inability to relate to the regular people.  One of the things he hits on squarely is that the lockdowns not only hurt the working class and the poor, but that the Moneyed Elite are able to withstand them easily.  The lockdowns are not so difficult if you have a guaranteed salary, are able to work from home, and enjoy the warm embrace of wokedom.

O'Neill and O'Sullivan discuss "wokery" run amok.  The point that's made extremely well is that we are not "in this together".  The group that constantly berates regular people, particularly white people, are living well and have no skin in the game whatsoever.

This is personified when they completely annihilate some BBC taxpayer funded media woman who works 3 days a week, makes 75K per year, and has just come out with a book that tells white people that they're born with the original sin of whiteness.  It sounds like the same grift going on there that we have here with the White Fragility book nonsense.

Another point that O'Neill makes quite well is that the Tory party, if they would reject wokery outright, would be extremely popular among regular people.  We are seeing the collision of wanting to be accepted and popular among the powered elite, or being popular among the regular folk.  Right now the regular folk are losing, and losing big.

The woke ethos only divides, and the top of the pyramid is working overtime to divide the working class - a group of people the Elite have always despised.  This interview speaks on these topics and more.  I recommend it.


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