Thursday, January 7, 2021

The Trojan War - A Short Look

Thematic analysis of the Homeric Epic.

The first part of this Epic is the 10 year long Trojan War. Odysseus was the hero of the Trojan War. He had the brilliant idea to trick the Trojans with the gigantic horse - a "gift" that was really a way to get into the city. The whole story is called "The Iliiad".

The Trojan Horse trick ended the war. Odysseus was celebrated for using his intellect to end the war. They'd tried to get into the city for 10 years and failed. After their victory, Odysseus spends years trying to get home. That journey is "The Odyssey".

Please watch the following video, and answer these 2 short questions (20 points):
  1. How did the war begin - what was it based on?
  2. How did it end? Describe the trick that enabled the Greeks to get into the city.

The Gates of Troy


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