Friday, January 29, 2021

The Rabble Learn How Leverage WORKS - GME GameStonk Continues

They teach leverage at Eton, Oxford, Kent, Hotchkiss, Exeter, and all of the other private boarding schools.  Those are the schools where the Masters of the Universe and the Scientific Managers go.  I didn't go to any of those schools.  The unwashed masses go to places like P.S. 84 and J.H.S. 167....ahem.....

Leverage is what's used to create unequal power dynamics.  If you, or your organization has leverage, you can get what you want.  This latest GameStop stuff is amazing example of regular people learning that they have leverage, that they have power.  

A bunch of proles, unwashed retail investors, decided to work together and squeeze the short trading hedge funds.  They used their huge numbers, their leverage, and caused the price of GME to spike.

Well, the people who rule over us are never allowed to fail.  Human cockroaches are never allowed to get rich, that's reserved for the Elite.  The Rulers are the only ones allowed to use their leverage.  How do they get their intensely high levels of leverage when there are so few of them? 

They have these entities under their complete control, full spectrum dominance:

  • The mainstream media (CNBC and its ilk) 
  • All the major banks
  • All of Wall St.
  • The gov't and its 'regulators' 
  • The RNC and DNC 
  • The chamber of commerce
  • The empty minds of the vast herd of American normies

In a show of force, the Ruling Class hit back.  RobinHood, and many other trading platforms shut down and or limited trading in not only GameStop, but the other stocks targeted by r/wallstreetbets, like AMC.

This was criminal. Regular people dragged the ultra wealthy and elite out into the sun, and exposed them for what they are: criminals.  They 'win' a rigged game, and then when the cattle look up from the feeding trough, learn to use a small shred of the leverage they have, they cry, complain, and then rig the rules further! Matt Taibbi was all over the story:

There are many and various people talking about how many sleazy, corrupt, and hypocritical people and institututions are getting exposed.  These videos are excellent:

Dave Portnoy of Barstool Sports has lost a 'milly' and is calling everyone out:

Another scathing interview with Portnoy - he goes down the list of people he feels should be in prison:

The lesson here is twofold.  The 'elite' are not special.  They're not talented, and they're not any smarter or better than you are.  You owe them nothing.  They have to keep the Fake News and the Narrative going so you'll think they're special and different.

The other lesson is about leverage.  Learn about it.  Learn how you can use it.  When the regular people successfully used a tool that hasn't been taught in schools for 120 years, we get to see how the top of the pyramid reacts.  Let's do more of this.  Nationalism and populism are on the rise.  This is only one example.

My Udemy classes are here - extremely low price and you have them forever.

I also sell custom made mugs like this one here on Amazon. I'll do personalized orders as well. They are all made in the United States - in Pennsylvania.

All of the mugs are here on Gearbubble. These are made in the USA, and if you don't want to contribute to Amazon's record profits during this time of CV19, the Gearbubble link is the one to use. Thank you!

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