Saturday, January 16, 2021

'Question Authority' becomes 'Obey Cloddish Experts'

You've seen how the Corporate Press Enemy of the People has lionized Andrew Cuomo, governor of NY. It's treacly and saccharine how they've worked overtime to make him look like an amazing hero.  It's worked in progressive NYC ... but not the rest of the country. Remember that when he runs for president and it goes nowhere.

That leads me to this:

Isn't that a little strange?  Someone who is in charge of one of the largest, most politically powerful states in These Crumbling United States, suddenly says what regular people have been saying for the last 6 months?  Doesn't this sound like the Great Barrington Declaration?  It does to me.

When the governor of NY is light years behind a broken down English Teacher blog, you know the mainstream "experts" are frauds and clowns, bowing down before power, afraid to take an unpopular stand.

Tweets like this also remind me of why the Boomers take such deserved abuse online.  In the good old days it was 'question authority', and 'don't trust anyone over 30'.  Now they're groveling before their favorite politicians and screaming at people to obey authority and trust experts - especially when it comes to anything COVID related.  If Cuomo sees this tweet's policy through, they'll follow along, pivoting on a dime, without a single thought about the past 10 months of nonsense.

Related news from Norway:

Can you spot the ridiculous double standard?  I saw it right away:

Here's the money quote: 

"Overall, Norway has seen 57,279 cases and reported 511 deaths.

Across the world, officials expect deaths and other severe side effects to be reported after any mass vaccination campaign given the huge numbers of people involved. But determining whether or not the vaccine caused deaths can be very challenging and requires that all other potential causes be ruled out first.

That's pretty amazing.  "Other potential causes ruled out first."  I wonder why they do that with tripwire sensitivity, rigor, and energy for the Big Pharma Profit related vaccine, but never with COVID 'deaths'?  Remember co-morbidities?  There were stories of CV19 Death!! all throughout 2020, but then, in paragraph 9, we'd read that the person had late stage leukemia and diabetes.  I wonder why they didn't "require that all other potential causes be ruled out first"?  So strange.

Lastly, Norway has reported (updated) 517 deaths.  There are 5.3 million people in Norway.  

Can you do the math?  In what world does that constitute a pandemic, and warrant a lockdown and mask policy?

It's obvious to me that the New World Order is on the march.  I suggest you get out of the way.

My Udemy classes are here - extremely low price and you have them forever.

I also sell custom made mugs like this one here on Amazon. I'll do personalized orders as well. They are all made in the United States - in Pennsylvania.

All of the mugs are here on Gearbubble. These are made in the USA, and if you don't want to contribute to Amazon's record profits during this time of CV19, the Gearbubble link is the one to use. Thank you!

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