Thursday, January 21, 2021

As Everyone Goes Back to Sleep: Glenn Greenwald Sees What's Coming

Glenn Greenwald has had the Establishment's boot stomping on him since he revealed the Edward Snowden files.  It is one of the reasons he moved out of the United States.

What he's able to do, even though he's a reasonably hard core leftist, is analyze and correctly deduce the actions of Organized Power.  While Boobus Americanus is now asleep at the switch, because the 'good guys' are in power, and Orange Man Bad is gone, Greenwald is pointing out the sinister plans of the Powerful.  This is one of the identifying attributes of not only a real leftist, but someone with honor.

This is typified in an experience I had the other day.  A colleague of mine, talking politics, unexpectedly ran down a list of all the bad things Trump had done.  One of the things he was disgusted by was how Trump had questioned Obama's birth certificate.  He had no idea that that was a dirty politics maneuver by the H. Clinton campaign to go after Obama in 2008.  Did I tell him?  Of course not.  There's no cure for TDS.

As the sleeping masses of Americana doze off, like they did from January 2009 - January 2017, we see the  security state gearing up for another few years of free for all.  Everyone is fair game now for these power hungry weirdos.  

You'll hear that "even libertarians" are targets of the Alphabet Agencies.  How dare they, or anyone else think for themselves.

In the olden days, buildings had to fall for them to use as an excuse for tyrannical power plays.  Now all they have to do is do a fraternity prank at the Capitol building to crush any dissent of the Neo liberal / Neo conservative world project.

Greenwald nails it here:

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