Wednesday, December 30, 2020


There are many angles to this story.  The first thing that came to mind when I saw this headline was 'unintended consequences'.  The people who rule over us are now, at this stage of the game, disinterested in protecting public health, and more interested in protecting their stranglehold on power and Amazon's record profits.  There is no other explanation for the:

1) WHO redefining what 'herd immunity' means:

2) A doctor fired for questioning the narrative:

That last case is the key.  The doctor simply stated that lockdowns are not an effective way of combating a virus, and schools being closed is one of the worst decisions made by Our Rulers.  The information on schoolchildren getting harmed in many ways by closing schools has been known since late March.  It hist the mainstream in mid summer 2020.  The doctor in California got fired for saying these things.

What country does he live in?  The one formerly known as the United States.

Lastly, one of the things the Power Elite has hated over the decades is the idea of homeschooling.  That brings me to the second angle on this article about Homeschooling on the rise: that because the Globalist Rulers who are managing this 'crisis' only know how to slam the gas pedal to the floor, if increased homeschooling is a side effect, so be it.

This is unprecedented. They used to move heaven and earth to see to it that any homeschooling movement was pilloried in the press, and or legally crushed.  Their plans for us must be really important, that movements like this aren't on the Globalist front burner:

"“We’ve been trying to scream from the hilltops for quite some time that this is happening,” Kirsten Baesler, North Dakota’s schools superintendent, said of the enrollment declines. “And it could be a national crisis if we don’t put some elbow grease into it.”

Sorry Kirsten, your agenda doesn't outdo the "The Great Reset" or "Build Back Better".  Those are more important.


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