Saturday, December 26, 2020

Most People Will Do Nothing. Here is the Letter I Sent About NYC CV19 Restrictions

One of the phrases I remember Tom Woods and others saying is "most people will do nothing".  I have found this to be true.  As the NYC restaurant restrictions are arbitrary and stupid, I have sent this letter to all of my elected officials.  I suspect it will be summarily ignored, as anyone with at "D" after his name will get elected and stay in office.  That being said, I can't do nothing, so I have written this and sent it out.

You can copy this and use it if you wish.


December 2020

Dear Office Holder,

I am writing regarding the recent decisions placing limitations on small businesses, restaurants and bars in particular. These government mandated limitations are wrong decisions for many reasons, some of which I will discuss in this letter.

Statistic and Science

We are told by our government officials and it is repeated in the media to ‘follow the science.’ However, we see a lack of scientific consistency in the limitations placed on bars and restaurants. According to New York State data, restaurants and bars account for 1.43% of COVID-19 cases in the state. Closing, or increasing government limitations because of this fifth-place finish in case contribution is not logical. It looks capricious. To state that restaurant closings will “make a difference” is neither following science nor mathematics.

Meanwhile,74 % of new cases come from private gatherings. It seems obvious that by closing restaurants you are encouraging private gatherings. You are encouraging an increase in covid-19 cases by forcing people to take greater risks. All would be better served by allowing the public to rely on hospitality professionals well able to take the necessary steps to reduce the spread of contagions. Reviewing the data (74% of new cases vs. less than 2% of new cases) makes it clear that attempts to limit the spread of disease would be served best by dissuading the public from private gatherings and encouraging patronizing bars and restaurants that have strict protocols that limit risk. Yet, you do just the opposite. What is the motivation?

Similarly, we have also learned that the most at-risk population to acquire COVID-19 is the group over 70 years of age. A government suggestion, complete with the solid reasoning behind it, for seniors to assiduously avoid indoor gatherings, would go a long way toward lowering the number of new cases. Again, the government should encourage seniors, that if it is important to meet, to do so in the safest environment. That means relying on the professionals that run the bars and restaurants, not private gatherings where the spread is highest.

Assault on Immigrant and Small Business Communities

Closing restaurants and placing onerous limits on small businesses hurts most those that can afford it the least. Many of the small businesses and independently run restaurants are owned by and employ many recent immigrants and others at the lower levels of the economic ladder. Forcing closures of these businesses will only lead to further, more serious problems that always follow economic hardship. Suicide, depression, anxiety, substance abuse, and educational neglect all accompany economic depression. We have heard the New York City mayor’s office and the New York governor’s office claim to support people of color and immigrant workers. What changed? This is an unparalleled assault on the immigrant community, targeted at those who may not have the access to the levers of power held by large corporations. The financial elite can weather the storm. Those at the bottom of the economic ladder cannot.

Furthermore, the corporate consolidation continues without a single headwind. Big Box stores, like Target, Costco, and Wal-Mart remain open for business. There are hundreds of people in them at a time. No one gets their temperature taken. No one is required to provide an address or phone number. Not only is this inconsistency allowed by law, but these massive corporations remain open until late at night. There is no motion to close them, and one can only wonder why. In previous times, New York City and New York State governments looked out for the working people. The decision to close or severely restrict small, independent businesses has obliterated any pretense of this.

I ask that my concerns are not only heard but acted upon. Lift the ban on indoor dining and institute a targeted protection plan for those at the highest risk. Provide a level playing field where large corporations do not enjoy an unfair advantage over smaller, independently owned businesses because of government mandates. Support the lifeblood of our economy. These small businesses you are targeting employ over 47% of the U.S. private workforce and need your help now.



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All of the mugs are here on Gearbubble.

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