Thursday, December 3, 2020

Introduction to the short story: "The Lady or the Tiger?"

We will be spending this week and next week on a new story: "The Lady or the Tiger." It's a good one. There's a barbaric king and his daughter, and the king controls everything, including the courts. Well, his daughter has an affair with a commoner and in this story, that is a crime. Now the king has a problems, as it's his own daughter's boyfriend on trial......

We will begin with some basic court terms:

Learning Target: How do societies define ‘justice’?

Do Now: Put the following terms in the proper order as best as you can, and give a short description of each:


· Indictment (accusation)

· Probable cause

· Arrest (stop)

· Jury / Lawyer / Judge

· Miranda Rights

· 4th and 5th amendment rights


To get started, here is the story we will be reading, listening to, and analyzing. Please listen to the first half, about 8 minutes:

The written story is here:

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