Wednesday, December 9, 2020

I'm Here 4 the Children and the Needy ... Except Now

We in the school business hear the phrase 'I'm here for the children' al the time. It's kind of a way to brush off the dumbest ideas that have no effect, or a negative effect on schools and children. There are policies that destroy lives and minds, as we're seeing now with the lockdowns, and critics are supposed to shut up and back away because COVID! 

It's been obvious since early April that school lockdowns are both unnecessary and harmful. Yet, we will hear from the same brain dead progressive officials that we need to 'close the schools' or 'institute another lockdown' because of cases. These people have now reached the level of depraved and dangerous. 

I explain how the most at-risk students are getting ruined by these politicians, and the unthinking mass citizen who blindly follows them. If they ever talk about being 'here for the children', you know they're ignorant, stupid, venal, or all of those things.


My udemy classes are here:

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