Thursday, December 10, 2020

History Making Lawsuit Election 2020 - Corporate Media SILENT

There is a massive and historical lawsuit, filed by the State of Texas and joined by 16 other states going on.

On the news this morning there was nothing, not even a mention of this lawsuit.

On trending Twitter, you can read about how a member of the KPOP group BlackPink adopted a new dog, Hank, and fans are crazy about him!

Look what's also trending on Twitter:

On the cover of The NY Times yesterday the article on post Election Day was a puff / opinion piece on how Trump is 'raging' and 'frustrated'.

It looks to me like they are trying to will this guy Joe Biden into the office of the president.  A man who ran for president at least twice before, went nowhere, and then, as if by magic, got more votes than anyone in the history of the United States.  Broke Barack Obama's 2008 election vote record.  Does that seem plausible to you?

It doesn't to me.

It looks like they're acting as if they say it enough then it will come true.  That there is legal movement, and plenty of evidence of election tampering tampering, while the Corporate Media is freezing out the story is telling.

As I've mentioned before, and what I tell students, it's the REACTION that is the part to watch.  That the Power Elite are ignoring these events is the part that shows me that there is something serious going on.  This threatens the Deep State.  When the minions in the corporate press are silent, and mindlessly repeat 'no evidence' as they've done for the past 3 weeks; you know something is going on.

This thread gives a great rundown:

You can read the PDF here.  This is historical to the point that I will print it up and read it myself in hard copy.

When the sickos who have taken control over the FedGov are hiding something, I want to know what it is.

UPDATE: The list is now up to 18 States.

My Udemy classes are here - extremely low price and you have them forever.

I also sell silly mugs like this one here on Amazon.  I'll do custom sayings as well if you wish.

All of the mugs are here on Gearbubble.

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