Monday, November 9, 2020

It's Different When We Do It!

 One of the reasons why conservatives constantly lose is that they think the left cares about its hypocrisy.  

Remember the Trump rallies, the "SUPERSPREADER" events?  Here are some pictures of events that are not super-spreader events, they're just happy people celebrating:

You can find tons of pictures out there on the www like this.  

The reason why someone like Trump is successful with these people is that he never apologizes. The Corporate Press called his events 'super-spreader' events.  Did he cancel them? No.

The parallel now is that they expect you to cancel your support and advocacy for DJT.  If the tables were turned they wouldn't even consider doing so.  Remember, Trump won in 2016, and they spent 4 years howling about a 'hacked' election, Russia Russia Russia, phony impeachment, and a host of other made up fake stories.  They never quit trying to stop their enemy. 

They never stop.  They never worry about hypocrisy, or anything else for that matter.

Do you remember reading about the 'hacked' 2016 election, and how easy it was for Russia to accomplish?  Notice how this was the cleanest election in American history - not a peep about hacking.  Even though this time there were mail in ballots and participation was at an all time high.  But, according to the Corporate Progressive Left, there was no hacking whatsoever.

And the people celebrating?  What super-spreader events?  What need for a lockdown?  

So when you read any Corporate Media source that says Biden has won, and that Trump and his people should go home, it's just them knowing that they can get conservatives to fold up the tent and quit.  

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