Sunday, November 15, 2020

Defund the Police? No Problem - They're Defunding Themselves

"Defund the Police!" was the battle cry this summer, the slogan that The Herd was told to repeat and believe by the Elite and Government Class.

Americans, schooled into oblivion, did as they were told.

That there are consequences to deal with never enters the Progressive Hive Mind.  

Because of the animus toward police departments across the nation, cops are quitting, retiring, or getting fired. The number of police officers is declining quickly.  It doesn't take much imagination how this will play out.  People will still call the police, but there will be a short staffed, angry and disaffected person at the other end of the line.  There will also be an angry, disaffected, and uncommitted officer showing up when you call.  This will happen most in the larger, Democratic / Liberal / Progressive cities.

The red states won't care. To some degree, what I see on the internet, they're already laughing at the situation.

This doesn't sound like a safe environment to live or work.  The Bad Neighborhood will suffer the most, of course.  So will the progressive cities, who are dealing with buffoonish decisions like this one:

Where are the women's groups? Where are the feminists?  They are nowhere to be found, because when the Progressive Intersectional Victim Groups clash, the Corporate Media is silent.  Think of it like when your pets fight - what are you supposed to do, take a side?

Jami Resch is out, and out big.  Game over for her.

San Francisco, already a crumbling, dirty and needle filled mess under Progressive policies, is defunding its PD itself:

California and New York are hemorrhaging police officers.  They're also hemorrhaging population, and will lose seats in the House of Representatives under the new 2020 census numbers.  

Will the people leaving the Progressive Utopia vote for the same nonsense that ruined NYC and SF? Probably.

It's why local populations need to be on the lookout for the idiotic and clownish progressive liberals who know how only to react to their feelings and follow what the MSM tell them to.

This won't end well.  

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