Friday, October 16, 2020

Campaign Ad: Black Lives Don't Matter To Democrats

 I put this in front of the Public Speaking class.  We are in the black neighborhood, an entrenched democratic voting area similar to the one in Baltimore in the video.  Here is the assignment.


This election season has gotten pretty intense.

Kimberly Klacik is running for congress. She's running on the Republican ticket in an area that has voted Democrat for a long time. Normally, a Republican candidate would have no chance, and no one would ever hear of her.

This time might be different.

This campaign ad of hers went viral. It has almost a million views. I would like you to tell me why. What has she done here that has created so much buzz? Her profile has gone way up, and this is now a nationally known race. Think about the wording, the images, the target audience, and how the ad is put together.

From her channel:

"Democrats don’t want you to see this.

They’re scared that I’m exposing what life is like in Democrat run cities. That’s why I’m running for Congress Because All Black Lives Matter Baltimore Matters

And black people don’t have to vote Democra

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