Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Prof. Galloway Weighs in on Post COVID-19 University "Education"

Scott Galloway is at the top of the Pyramid.  He's rich and successful enough that even as a Marketing Prof. at NYU he's allowed to say stuff like this:

"At universities, we’re having constant meetings, and we’ve all adopted this narrative of “This is unprecedented, and we’re in this together,” which is Latin for “We’re not lowering our prices, bitches.” Universities are still in a period of consensual hallucination with each saying, “We’re going to maintain these prices for what has become, overnight, a dramatically less compelling product offering.”

In fact, the coronavirus is forcing people to take a hard look at that $51,000 tuition they’re spending. Even wealthy people just can’t swallow the jagged pill of tuition if it doesn’t involve getting to send their kids away for four years. It’s like, “Wait, my kid’s going to be home most of the year? Staring at a computer screen?” There’s this horrific awakening being delivered via Zoom of just how substandard and overpriced education is at every level."

The boldface type is mine, as it is so accurate it's shocking to see it in print from a professor at the Stern school of Business in NY Magazine.

His take on the unintended side effects of The Novel Coronavirus Era on school is a good one.  The Educational Industrial Complex is reeling from their world being disrupted.  For now, the CV19 era isn't even showing its worst to the School Controllers of our society, because everybody is getting paid.  If what Galloway posits comes true, and the dollars stop flowing to 80% of the the vice provosts of Diversity and Inclusion, then you'll really hear the wailing.  You can only imagine the racket that will come when they excess the Race and Gender studies professors, especially the ones who do nothing but say 'Orange Man Bad' every class.  

I hope that day comes soon.  The school employees / officials who are parroting 'the new normal' and 'flatten the curve' and 'mandatory vaccine, and 'we're in this together' and 'screening everywhere' are also glancing around wondering how this online Zoom learning will affect their bank accounts.  They're torn between playing the standard role of cattle herd member and bleating out what the Corporate Media tells them, while vaguely understanding that this could spell the end of the financial road.  The autistic savant Mary Temple Grandin invented the high walled, single file chute for cattle to walk toward the slaughterhouse while remaining calm.  It is only because the garden variety liberal arts professor is marginally above cattle that they have even a shred of sense about their oncoming demise.  They're in the 'digital chute' and they know something's wrong. 

The school industry will be affected in great and interesting ways over the next year.  

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