Friday, May 15, 2020

On Figuring it Out - Another Student Reaction to John Taylor Gatto

Here is a second student response to my lesson on John Taylor Gatto's "Classrooms of the Heart" this past Monday.


There aren’t many teachers like John Gatto. He is the teacher who allows for you to explore and learn new things that you will actually need for your future. Many teachers teach to tests and that’s not fair because when that test is over what is left. These kids aren’t learning to learn and gaining real knowledge. Many kids’ mindsets and even mine over the years have thought with statements like, “I’m just trying to pass this test”, “As soon as this test is over I’m finish with this class”, and lastly “I haven’t learned one thing this year if you ask me but as long as I pass my test”. Yes, I did pass my tests, yes, I finished off with great grades but what did I really learn over the 4 years at this school.

The real teachers are the ones who allow for you to think outside the box. They allow for you to be creative and figure out things for yourself while still presenting current issues and current styles and even old styles to use, that will help in life. The TESTS are making us robots and that is why over the years the IQ of the youth goes down. When you allow kids to think for themselves you open up a whole other part of thinking and how to apply what you learn in a useful way. I know there are many jobs that are not going to use any of the things I learn in AP CALC. I remember a teacher stated himself that what we are learning in his class we won’t use in the future. How is that useful to us and our future? Shouldn’t we be learning things that would go towards our career of our choice or maybe experience different tasks that will help in other skills such as critical thinking, leadership, and dealing with money.

Being home during Covid-19 really is better than being at school because my days at school were pretty useless unless my classes were fun and creative. If they were hard and I needed to be with a teacher to actually understand a topic. I know most of the things I’m learning I’m not going to use in the future. I’m just trying to stay on top of my stuff and keep my grades up just to get to the next step, COLLEGE. College is a different ball game and high school has not prepared me for that life at all. This is something I’m going to have to learn and advance in by myself. If you are going to teach, teach me things that will help my mind grow, help me grow and advance as a person in life, help me become successful, don’t teach me to a test.

Being home I realize now it is my job to look for other things in these troubling times that will help better me and find things that I like to do. Get creative and maybe help someone or inspire the next person. In some way, we all are our own person but this world would be way better if we help one another and teach and share creative ideas amongst each other. You won’t find many teachers like Gatto but if you do then most likely many people are still in contact with them to this day. Teachers like him help students become Independent besides the schools feeding their brains with false one sided, white textbooks, and teaching to AP or NY State Regents exams.

I responded with this:

This is fantastic. You get it. The testing scam is a huge part of the problem, layered over the time wasting of the system itself. I was sure when I saw your assignment submission that I was in for some Real Talk. Pass this down to your friends, and relatives, and eventually your own children. Remember, I told you that I didn't think that you or your peers would send your children to a 'school', let alone one like MVHS. There are many good people at your HS, but the time spend comes at too high of a price. Lastly, I think you will be disappointed with college. It will be a mixed bag just like high school. Choose your major wisely, and avoid debt.

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