Wednesday, May 27, 2020

How to escape education's death valley | Sir Ken Robinson

Here is a 'distance learning' assignment I've given to the 12th graders.  The public speaking classes have produced the responses you've seen previously - they're quite an intelligent group.  I expect big things from many of them.


Good morning everyone.

We've been talking about school, learning, education, and intelligence. Robinson gives a good talk on these issues. There are some parallels to the previous videos we've watched. I'd like you to listen for them please.
  1. Robinson talks about curiosity, particularly among young people. I think it is the most important thing in the learning process. Do you agree?
  2. Ken Robinson gave a few of these talks 10-15 years ago. Nothing much has changed. Will this era of 'distance learning' be one of the things that speeds up people breaking away from traditional public school?

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