Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Wednesday April 15th: I S O L A T I O N

Good morning class. Today we welcome back our old friend Paul Joseph Watson. His presentation details the ludicrous and bafflingly asinine nature of much of humanity during this time.

Watson captures the hypocrisy, ignorance and monumentally insipid nature of the people we're supposed to 'listen to' and 'follow' during The Novel Coronavirus Era.

  • There is profanity so please watch in isolation.
  • The NHS he talks about is the British National Health Service. They have totally gov't run health care. 

Now that we've seen a few of his presentations:
  1. Explain his technique for making these videos
  2. Why do you think he's so popular?
  3. Put your thoughts parallel to Watson's: Why are some people acting so strangely in isolation? Do people really need that much attention? Be honest and brave in your answer.

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