Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Online Learning: Tom Woods Argues the Case For Child Labor

I know your reaction already: Shock and Horror!

Of course no one wants or advocates for child labor.  The problem is, no one ever asks why it exists in the first place.  Tom Woods was one of the people who got me into the Libertarian movement back in 2009.  It's talks like this that show that not only is the Free Market the answer to many of our problems, but also that the people who rule over us are imbeciles.

This is the complex argument I gave the 12th graders today during our 4th week of the Novel Coronavirus Online Learning Arrangement (NCOLA).


Starting about 0:25 in the video, Tom Woods, historian, argues the reasons why child labor existed. While he is obviously, as a father of 5, against forcing children to work, he argues that the reasons children have had to work in the past are legitimate. He also argues that passing laws against child labor in poor countries is the wrong thing to do.
  1. What approach(es) does he use to argue this type of topic?
  2. Does he come up with things that made you think twice about Child Labor - or not? Explain clearly please.
  3. Analyze his tone, speech patterns, body language, and word choice. If you were rating this, what type of grade would you give and why?

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