Tuesday, April 21, 2020

COVID-19 Update: Schools Closed till May 15 - Some States Opening

You can't just keep everything closed forever.  How is that supposed to work?

Singapore will try, but some states are going to begin opening up.  Good for them.  The cost / benefit analysis that we do with everything else eventually had to take hold.

"Last night, just as Georgia Gov Brian Kemp was beginning his Monday press briefing, the conservative Republican made an announcement that instantly horrified the mainstream media: The state would begin loosening some lockdown restrictions on Friday, and that by Monday, businesses from gyms to beauty salons in his state would be allowed to reopen.

Hundreds of talking heads immediately pointed out that the state is hardly on track to meet the guidelines set out by the White House. But by Tuesday morning, several additional states, including Tennessee and South Carolina, had joined Georgia in planning to begin lifting restrictions before May 1.

As new hotspots continue to form across the country, including in Ohio, Michigan and other states that appear to be headed toward reopening in a few weeks, these states have made the calculation that the damage to their economies simply isn't worth the risk to life and health. Georgians will be able to dine in restaurants again by the end of the day on Monday."


Two quick things from the dumpster fire known as Twitter.  This is a political angle from Sean Davis at the Federalist.  It's not a bad theory:
And then there's Orange Man Bad, who is NEVER afraid to make hay while the sun shines.  This made heads explode all over the internet.  Never mind that immigration is practically shut down already, DJT simply had to do his thing.  I have to give the guy credit - he knows what buttons to push and how to play with his enemies.  Here's the rhetorical shiv: 

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