Thursday, April 23, 2020

Bobby Kennedy Jr., the CDC, and Vaccines in the COVID-19 Era

If you look up Robert Kennedy Jr. you'll see him called many names.  Here is a guy who not only is continuing the Democratic legacy of his father RFK Sr., but is also a strong and effective activist for the environment.  His activism doesn't involve screaming "how dare you" to select audiences ... like this:

Bobby Kennedy Jr. actually works to clean up waterways, speaks out agains corporate wrongdoing, and recognizes the dangers behind government / corporate alliances.  His criticism is especially withering when he goes after Big Pharma.  Everyone hates Big Pharma and its willingness to put profits over people.  Everyone hates Big Pharma companies like Merck and its despicable role in the opioid crisis.  Everyone hates Big Pharma, except when it comes to vaccines.  Then Big Pharma can do no wrong.

RFK Jr. explains himself in this interview.  It is more relevant than ever, in this era of The Novel Coronavirus.  With Bill Gates, college dropout, talking about having the world get a forced vaccine, people like RFK Jr. become public enemy #1 for their criticisms of Big Pharma and its vaccine business.  Interestingly, it turns out RFK Jr. is pro-vaccine.  His stance on the issue is even more mellow than I had thought.  He simply wants above board testing to ensure that they're safe.  But Big Pharma won't even do that, because they don't have to, and an army of ignorant Americans start screaming: "ANTI VAXXER!!" when the subject is brought up.  Not only can't Big Pharma get sued, but the Corporate Media and their unthinking followers are helping guarantee their annual massive profits.

The last 3 minutes of the interview explain RFK's position.

From the Youtube page: "Attorney Robert F. Kennedy Jr. of Children's Health Defense joins to discuss the much-touted HPV vaccine, which new evidence shows may be ineffective and why it has done tremendous harm. He also explains how legal loopholes exempt vaccine makers from rigorous testing. He goes on to discuss the revolving door between Big Pharma and the bodies that are supposed to oversee it and curtail its abuses. He argues that regulatory capture has turned the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) into "a vaccine company.""

As people begin to beg for the needle, this interview from January 29th, 2020 is more relevant than ever.

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