Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Suddenly You're Not Laughing at the Preppers

Corona-Chan has everyone flustered.  Here's the scene at Costco late last week:

Everyone panicked and bought bottled water.  They needed it. Unless it was expensive $18 a box "Essentia" water, then it wasn't necessary.  I find it funny how the panicked herd member MUST have bottled water, unless it's too costly, then it can wait.

The stock market took a hit as well.  Here's my phone laughing at me, Corona style, yesterday:

I can see how the Power Elite manage to get richer.  There are some great companies on that list.  If I had a ton of disposable cash, I would buy big all of these stocks at a serious discount.  Not being afraid is the key.  I didn't buy big in 2009, as I was afraid that large cap companies would go 'bankrupt'.  Seems silly now.

Masks are all the rage as well.  As if a mask will keep you from contracting the flu.  The madness of crowds has taken complete hold of the mask buying public:

Lastly, from the Woodpile Report, a note on the 'Preppers' that your Corporate Media loves to mock:

"Preppers are now being called "hoarders" by our urban betters who had more important things to do until it was too late. The people raiding the big city supermarkets aren't preppers. Preppers are, um, ... what's the word? Oh yes, "prepared". Preparing means methodically building a deep larder in times of plenty. Check your Old Testament for details.

As always, they blame everyone but their precious selves and expect someone else take care of them.

Here's George Ure's take:

 'We’re not the ones who are causing shortages of anything. It’s the mental midgets and digital deadbeats who have been face-down in social media slop – buried in political bullshit and being led around by their clickmasters – instead of learning to look at life realistically, assessing options for an uncertain future and then pre-planning, accordingly, that are to blame.'"

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