Friday, March 20, 2020

Distance Learning - Creating Presentations Using Canva: FREE

One of the positive side effects of Corona coming to town is that we are all getting information about how to do things digitally, allowing long distance learning.  The Power Elite might not like it, but Corona might be one of the things that destroys the School Industrial Complex.

Here is a message I sent to the 12th graders today:

Hello everyone. You've finished week 1 of Online Learning. Your senior year will be one that has a permanent place in history as you'll be the year that Corona visited and vaporized much of the second half of the year.

You'll be creating online presentations next year at the next level (and perhaps for this class as well), and Canva is a great tool. It also is at my favorite price: FREE.

Look over the linked page, and practice making a presentation. Canva has a great reputation and is used often by professionals.

This is about practice. We're talking about practice. Even though there's no written work, university students are expected to look over resources and have them ready when called upon.

Stay in touch.

D. Marolla

Here is their Youtube homepage pinned video. It's basically an ad for the product. (Keep that in mind for later)

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