Monday, March 23, 2020

COVID-19 - Why I Hate the Corporate Media

Take a look at the headline:

Looks pretty bad.  A young man given bad advice, underestimated the Novel Coronavirus, and dies.  Tragic.

Look at how the writer and editor placed key bits of information: 

"Garcia, a youth team coach at Malaga club Atletico Portada Alta, was initially diagnosed with pneumonia before testing positive for coronavirus."
That sentence is in paragraph 9. But wait, there's more:

"A day later, blood work showed he also had leukemia, his family said. He finally died Sunday, less than a week after he first sought help."

That last part was in paragraph 10.

This young man's death was tragic.  Do you think the headline is the story?  He not only had pneumonia, but undiagnosed Leukemia!  How many people read the whole article, and saw what we did?  I'd say the Mindless Herd read the headline and took it at face value.  Then they got scared and posted it to Fakebook.

The Corporate Media is a lying joke of an institution.  Don't pay any attention to them, other than to know what the Elite Narrative is and to see what they have planned for us.

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