Thursday, March 26, 2020

COVID-19 - Tucker: Why are media pundits trying to discredit hydroxychloroquine?

I have a mature group of 12th graders this year.  I can't tell them this too often as it goes to their heads.  You know how 18 year olds are.

These High School seniors are in a Public Speaking class.  This means we explore the many ways that people try to manipulate, cajole, fool, and snooker the masses of people who are listening.

Because we are in the time of the Novel Coronavirus, the Corporate Media has proverbially put the gas pedal to the floor because Orange Man Bad.  Tucker Carlson has pointed this out clearly in this video.  Unbelievably, anything suggested by Trump is automatically derided and seen as 'bad'.

I gave the 12th graders whose job it is to critique (and eventually create) presentations this assignment.  I'll keep you posted as to what they said.


Current Events: Tucker: Why are media pundits trying to discredit hydroxychloroquine?
Tucker Carlson argues that the Corporate Media is willing to lie to you, put your lives at risk, and perhaps kill Americans, just to get back at Pres. Trump. Whatever Pres. Trump says, they're against, however risky to public health it may be.
  1. In your own words, what is his argument?
  2. Analyze his mannerisms, phraseology, and images chosen. Did he choose well?
  3. Does Carlson prove his point?
  4. If we were in class, I would have chosen this video as an example of the deceitful nature of the lying, repellent, abysmally awful media outlets like CNN. Would this video help or hurt my case? Please explain.

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