Monday, March 30, 2020

COVID-19 Media Performance: CBS Hates You

I don't know how many examples I need to show you, but here's another.

The corporate media, CBS in this case, used days old footage from Italy to explain to viewers that New York City was the epicenter of the Novel Coronavirus.  They used 3 day old footage from Italy via Sky News to paint a bleak and scary portrait of NYC as the center of the pandemic.

In other words, they lied to you.

For some reason they get angry when Trump calls them 'fake news'.  As I write this, an NPR station in the Pacific Northwest is censoring Trump's daily press updates because of 'misinformation'.  And yet, many consider CBS legit, and outside sources unreliable.

CBS and the rest of the corporate media are always keeping a Narrative.  They don't care about telling you the truth, or getting you dispassionate news, or helping you stay informed.  

I've been onto these people for 15 years.  And no, it wasn't some 'mistake'.  It went through layers of reporters and editors before it got released.  Don't be naive.

If their information causes people to get scared or panic and someone gets hurt or killed.  Oh well.  They'll continue to howl at Tangerine Man and his fake news comments, oblivious to the carnage in their wake.  

I'm tired of "Orange Man Bad" from outfits like CBS.  Are you?

Again, perhaps it's time you stopped looking at Corporate Media as anything other than a place to watch pathetic levels of propaganda.

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