Thursday, January 16, 2020

The Internet Never Forgets

"Unless the government does something right now, it's going to be catastrophic!"  This article from 2004 deals with my favorite topic, 'climate change' and it uses all the same techniques we see today.  As a matter of fact, if I changed the date from 2004 to 2020 I don't think you'd be able to tell, other than the names used.

In case you think I'm being cynical, or unfair, here is my favorite quote of the article, for obvious reasons: 
This is a case of paint by numbers when it comes to 'climate change' and 'global warming'.  Instead of Trump, they use G.W. Bush.  All of the usual logical fallacies are used, as are the same scare tactics that are used now by Greta and the usual cast of scammers and True Believers.  We're going on 35 years now of "unless the government does something right now we're all gonna die!".

At some point you simply ignore and mock these people, in the same way we clown on the people who saw the end of the world happening in 1872.  If you wish to lend these people credibility, you can.  I'll be preparing for the week ahead, as it will be below freezing the whole time.

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