Friday, January 24, 2020

Student Debt Slavery

When you don't have a dog in the race it's easier to get good information.  Looking at the state of affairs in higher education is one litmus test to find out who can see what's going on.  For example, the W Bush administration made it so you couldn't expel your student debt in bankruptcy.  Regular people, justifiably, went bananas and were angry.  The Obama administration made some noise about changing this terrible policy, but did nothing.  No one said anything, or complained. I'll be repetitive in saying how easy it is for those at the top of the pyramid to shape opinion.

The student debt fiasco is still going strong.  Charles Hugh Smith correctly explains financialization, and its role in the college loan scam:

"Financialization is the mass commoditization of debt collaterized by previously unsecuritized assets, a pyramiding of risk and speculation that is only possible in a massive expansion of low-cost credit and leverage for those at the top of the wealth-power pyramid: financiers, banks and corporations."

You don't benefit from the student loan.  The loans, pooled together, are chopped up and sold among the ruling and political class, at your expense.  While you have a degree in uselessness, the people who run the Fake America make massive amounts of money:

The culprits are easy to spot: the FED and the Federal Government have caused a $1.6 TRILLION dollar student loan bubble that you can't get rid of via bankruptcy.  Bankruptcy is germane to capitalism, a system you're taught is terrible.  Not only that, you're taught that without a degree you're not going to make it.  Additionally, while you're on campus you learn that Western Culture is awful.  It's all bathed in "Orange Man Bad" atmosphere.

The Elite did this a decade ago with the Mortgage bubble.  Now it's the Student Loan bubble.  Those of you who can avoid the Fake R vs. D Cage Match (tm) should make out ok.  Those who cannot may be financially ruined.

If you don't pick a 'side', you'll see things more clearly.  The adults in your life struggle with this concept.  Avoid their mistakes.

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