Sunday, December 1, 2019

20,000 Views - Stick to Your Knitting

The first post on this blog was in November 2010.  I just hit 20,000 views today, 9 years later.

Here's the mistake I made.  I had built up a small audience over 5 years, and then I didn't blog for 3 years: 2016, 2017 and 2018.  It cost me.  Had I stuck to my knitting, kept working in a steady manner, I would have had that audience ready to sell to.  My online school at teachable, my drop ship store, my email list, my BitChute channel, my channel, my youtube channel - they all could have been part of my ready online blog orbit.  I was getting between 25 and 200 views per post.  Then I stopped.  Now I get between 3 and 12 per post as I am slowly building up the blog.  I had the audience and then I let it go.

Now I have to build again.

The only reason I'm able to go back to blogging / writing is that I enjoy it.  Facebook has become terrible, I have been permanently suspended from Twitter, and that leaves blogger.  When #socialgalactic gets started, I'll join it and go full force, but thats's just hope.

Stick to your knitting.  Stay with it.  Don't do what I did.  Lesson learned.

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