Saturday, November 16, 2019

G. E. D. Report #37 - Call Things By Their Right Name

There comes a time when it is time to tell the truth, to talk about things the way they are. Oftentimes, particularly these days in America, people talk not only in a strange SJW code, but also only about approved topics. In this video essay, I discuss instances where the reaction to spoken words or topics have caused serious reactions.

These events are spoken of through the lens of our Overlords' behavior in recent years. For reasons unknown, our Keepers of the Narrative are OK with protecting serial molesters, warmongering politicians, liars, and peddlers of ignorance. When someone who has never gotten a speeding ticket (me) is kicked off Twitter, or a big shot like Owen Benjamin, who has never hurt anyone, is denied all Social Media, one must wonder about the power of Calling Things By Their RIght Name. 

I urge you to do that. Truth is powerful. Young people love honesty. If you wish to have a legacy, be known as someone who is honest and speaks the truth. It will set you apart.

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