Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Newsletter #8 – I Don’t Know How to Write This

It’s not that I have writer’s block.  We have a full schedule tomorrow at the HS so I have plenty of material.  Watching a modern public school get ‘ready’ for the year is a darkly fascinating exercise.  It’s interesting and I’ll tell you more about it soon.

But I can’t write about that now.  It wouldn’t be right.

I say that because I worked with a wonderful family for the past few days that has been touched by tragedy. I can’t write about high school tomfoolery when my mind is preoccupied with something with infinitely more gravitas.

The story is this: I was called to be a homebound tutor.  I do a fair amount of this kind of thing.  When a student is suspended, or sick, or unable for any reason to go to school, a homebound tutor is called for each subject.  In this case, the young man I worked with was ill.

Despite the severity of the illness, I saw a family that refused to collapse under the weight of the matter.  While going through a tough time, this family’s dedication, spirituality, patience, introspection and willingness to think for itself was on display.  When things are difficult, you find out not only who your friends are, but who out there will actually help.  It’s difficult putting into words how I was able to see what is truly important in life by being a bit player in this family’s trying time.  

My mother is always telling me that whatever I do for children will eventually be worth it. Undoubtedly in this case she is right. The small role I played in helping not only this young man who is struggling, but his family, is something I will remember forever. 

When they come out of this struggle and vanquish the darkness it will be a testament to the Real Things that matter.

People helping other people. It’s what I’m trying to do here. After my experience over the past few days, it seems more important than ever before.

Let’s help each other out. 

Thank you.

Douglas Marolla– English, MVHS, Room 227 

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