Thursday, September 26, 2019

Impostors in the Temple

"Impostors in the Temple"

"Mr. Anderson, author of the book Impostors in the Temple: American Intellectuals Are Destroying Our Universities and Cheating Our Students of Their Future published by Simon and Schuster, criticized the intellectual elite of American colleges and universities for failing the nation’s students in higher education through poor teaching and failing to teach values. He discussed his work at the Hoover Institution at Stanford University and the current status of intellectual thought at colleges and universities in the U.S."

Amazing to think that this is from 1992. I remember people like Mr. Anderson. They were called all sorts of names in the press, dismissed as curmudgeons and losers who were 'out of touch', and 'not with it'.

Well, perhaps they deserved a hearing. It's almost 30 years later. It's not too late ... is it?

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