Wednesday, September 18, 2019

G. E. D. Report #33 - Why the Bad School Stays Bad

Ever wonder why the bad area schools stay bad? How often does a bad neighborhood school 'reform' itself and become a 'good' school where the Yuppies and the Progressives want to send their children? The answer to the previous question is zero.

Here I tell you the dirty secret as to why the bad school never improves. You can throw all the money in the world at the place, it will still suck. It isn't about money. The Kansas City Experiment showed us that. The school ethos, and the nonsense that the Education programs peddle are the real culprits. It's a vicious cycle that will never stop, because failure attracts money. Who loses in all of this? The students of course. Is it by design? It must be, as the proof is right there out in the open and almost nobody does anything to stop it.


Damage Control: fix what's broken here:

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