Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Revisionist History is not Conspiracy Theory - Antarctica proves this.

I introduce a lot of history in my English class. I think it's impossible not to cover the basic history, especially the time period in which the author lived. The days and events are important things that shaped the work.

This era is an era of historical disconnect. Especially with the advent of the world wide web, there is a gap that exists between students and teachers. The teachers have been trained by the textbooks and professors from a pre-internet era. The information hasn't changed a ton, but the accessibility has changed exponentially.

Here's an example and it has to do with Antarctica and the issue of discovery. According to wikipedia, Antarctica was discovered in 1820. Watch the first 5 minutes of this video, and you'll not only learn about an interesting story about the race to the South Pole, but that Antarctica was discovered in 1820. There is a problem however, and you're not supposed to ever find out about it. Much like much of Establishment History, the story is false, almost to the point of being fraudulent.

If it wasn't 'discovered' until 1820, how do you explain the Piri Reis map from 1513?

Graham Hancock, by the way, has been called a 'pseudohistorian' by the Establishment.

Not only that - how do you explain the Oronteus Finaeus map from 1531?

These questions, and this evidence, will cause much chortling, giggles and bad explanations about "conspiracy theories" from the adults who are supposed to be about the free exchange of ideas. I used to think that the professors and the teachers were people with honor, who would welcome debate and new thoughts. I was so wrong it isn't even funny.

I think it's time that the young people out there stop taking a back seat. There are times when it's time to step up. We saw this in the 1960's when people stepped up and demanded real change and and ending of idiotic wars. It wasn't a permanent but they got their point across. They scared the Establishment, which, in my opinion, stepped up the propaganda war and the sped up the dumbing down of the US.

The revisionist historians of today are yelling from the rooftops for help. Your instructors are not evil beasts intent on warping your brain. Their paradigm was built in a different era - one of limited information exchange and blind trust for one's college professors. If you want to rattle the chains, these topics will do it:

  • FDR intentionally screws with Japan to provoke WWII.
  • The absurdity of the official JFK assassination story.
  • The Council on Foreign Relations and its influence.
  • The attempt to crush the Wright brothers after they figured out manned flight - the gov't's guy didn't do it first.
  • The Federal Reserve and its founding.

There are many more topics to discuss - most of them deal with fraudulent government action. As faith in government has replaced faith in God, the revisionist ideas get tossed down the memory hole.

Gary North shows you how it's done here:

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