Tuesday, August 5, 2014

David Rudisha - 100 Seconds of the Best Race Ever

Lost in the hype and the media blaze of the 2012 Olympics was the world record set in the 800m run.  The 800m run is probably the most difficult race on the track.  It is basically a half mile sprint, where for 80% of the time you are without the necessary oxygen to function.

This documentary shows how David Rudisha got to the pinnacle of the sport.  What you need to notice  is the humble surroundings.  The track is dirt.  There are no lanes.  His coach is an old Irish Catholic missionary.  It sounds like some derivative of 'Chariots of Fire' - except it is real.  Watch how the bus spews out smoke.  Watch the herding of cows and goats.  Here, in this part of the world everything is glitz and glamor - seemingly made out of plastic.  I was particularly observant of the school setting.  The desks are old, the shoes are obviously donated by charities.  The walls were dirty and the books worn.

Perhaps more people in "education" should watch this documentary - and pay particular attention to the last 3 minutes, where the coach is asked what the secret is.  Of course he says there are no secrets.  Unless, of course, work is a secret.  Here, where all we hear is "if only we had more money", that premise is blown to bits by this Kenyan and his school, who have no money.

On the track, what did Rudisha do?  Anyone with a track background will gape at the splits.  His first 400m was a 49.3, and he came back in 50.6 for a 1:40.91.

Here's the 'best race ever' statistic.  Last place in the 800m run in London in the 2012 Olympics would have WON the last 3 Olympic 800m races. 8th place ran a 1:43.77.  Think about that.

Also think about the 2 Americans who finished 4th and 5th with times of 1:42.8 and 1:42.95.  They went home without a medal. Unreal.

Here is the race itself.

Here is how it happened:

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