Friday, July 1, 2011

Is The Mainstream Media Covering Up the Truth at Los Alamos, Ft. Calhoun, and Fukushima?

Is The Mainstream Media Covering Up the Truth at Los Alamos, Ft. Calhoun, and Fukushima?

What in the world is really going on at Los Alamos, Ft. Calhoun and Fukushima? There are millions of Americans that would like the truth about what is happening at these nuclear facilities, but the mainstream media has been strangely quiet. Instead, the mainstream media is running headlines such as "10 Dirtiest U.S. Beaches Named" and "Pole Dance Stops Times Square Cold". Yes, those are actually headlines that appeared on the front pages of major mainstream news websites in the United States today. Sadly, you really have to dig to find anything about the problems that are currently happening at nuclear facilities in the United States, and the mainstream media seems to have gotten really tired of talking about Fukushima. It is almost as if the mainstream media actually prefers to talk about mindless things rather than focus on the truly important events that are happening all around us.

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