Monday, March 28, 2011

The American Dream - Animated version

This half hour video shows how things have worked in the USA.  If you want the quick version of how the country was usurped - here it is.  About as recently as 5 years ago this would have been seen as 'conspiracy theory' oddness.  The word 'conspiracy' has become something like the word 'racist'.  It has been used so much that it lacks meaning.  This video focuses on the economic / financial aspects of the country's history.  You know something is wrong in the world - in the USA - here's the main reason.  Not the only reason, but the biggest part of it.

Required reading: G. E. Griffin - The Creature From Jekyll Island and Ron Paul's End the Fed

Monday, March 21, 2011

Your Life According To The Government

This video manages to do in 4 minutes what I try to do in 180 school days.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Tom Woods on Dennis Miller Show

Tom Woods on Dennis Miller Show

Tom Woods talking to Dennis Miller - great audio about our current affairs, and the problems with the Mainstream Left AS WELL AS the Mainstream Right. Woods shows you how a solid knowledge of history can allow you to parry 'conventional arguments'. Miller is one of the few entertainers who allows himself to listen and change his views - unlike many of the Zombies in the Mainstream Entertainment World.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

A sad day for the USA - no privacy for you.

Your Facebook account is now open to government officials.  What is more disturbing about this awful news is the reaction to it.  The sheeple will be expected to, and from what I can tell mostly are, reacting with resignation.  "Oh, well if the parents can't stop bullying, then it's up to the schools".  That was a comment from one of the guidance counselors about this news.  Her reaction was one of total relaxation and calm.  I guess much of the population has been dumbed down to the point that an obvious power grab by the Power Elite is cause for - - no reaction at all.  People do get the government they deserve in a 'democracy' like ours.

A more sinister and sad, somewhat disgusting display is being put on by the group "Media Matters".  They are painting this as the "Right Wing Ginning up Hysteria" over this news.  This is the same group that would attack GW Bush for creating a 'police state' and other evils.  I guess when the person in the White House is 'on your side', all is well.  Invasions of privacy only happen when the President isn't one of 'your own'.  These were the same people who were (justifiably) crying about privacy and Civil Liberties during the post 9/11 GWB administration.  It's funny, because they were right then, and now that BHO is in office, they find the issue silly.  Look at the comments after the Media Matters article to see what I mean.

Here's how this works:
-Start a harmless White House initiative on anti-bullying (after all, who is Pro Bully?!?!).
-Create hysteria about bullying and cyber bullying / racism / gay bashing by putting it on the news EVERY MORNING like it is now.
-Justify another freedom / privacy grab by 'proving' it's necessary by pointing to your bought and paid for servile media bootlickers "reporting".
-Malign your critics by calling them 'racists' and 'insensitive bigots'.

This is exactly what the Mainstream Right did against the Left when they cried foul about the GWB police state initiatives post 9/11.  Remember "you're either for the terrorists or against the terrorists"?  That false choice is now being put toward your 4th amendment and privacy.  I don't know what upsets me more - that a "Liberal" administration would invade people's privacy in such a wanton manner, or the public would submit in so servile a manner.  I think it's the latter.  As usual, only the Libertarians are on to this horrible scam.

I find this news, and the reaction to it scary, sad and offensive.  If anything proves to you that there is a false Right vs. Left paradigm, then this is it.

"Keep the people / sheeple bickering and they'll take their eyes off the ball and ultimately give up all of their rights, freedoms and liberty".

Required Reading:  Behold a Pale Horse   - Bill Cooper  In this book all of these maneuvers were predicted in advance, and he provides hard proof of these liberty stifling moves.  Unbelievable and eye opening material.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Ron Paul - why he's different than the others

Most politicians are alike - they say one thing to get elected and then do something else when in office.  Ron Paul is different.  He has principles and he follows them.  His voting record reflects this, and his views are consistent.  He is anti - war, anti - state, pro free-market and pro liberty.  His views are viewed by the mainstream media as 'oddball' or 'extreme' or 'archaic'.  The mainstream media, which for decades delivered and controlled mainstream opinion, as well as played ball with gov't interests, hated Dr. Paul's ideas.  They represent liberty for the 'masses'.  The 'rabble' (that's you and me) doesn't deserve to make decisions for itself.  Your overlords should control your job, your salary, your healthcare, your banking, and your very life.  Any deviation from that is simply too strange to take seriously.

This is all ending.  The great decentralization is underway and Ron Paul is a gigantic part of that.  This hourlong talk is a lesson in how a citizen politician in the US should speak and believe.  He believes in the people, not in word, but in deed.  He sees the common denominator of all parts of a successful society as liberty.  The free market libertarian roots were what made the USA what it is today, and our gov't and the progressive corporate interests that work in tandem with it have been at work to destroy it since at least 1913.  He obliterates mainstream beliefs, and effectively answers the left leaning but refreshingly intellectually curious questions from the moderator and some of the audience.  As a side note, I noticed that this video has more views than the Obama version.  Thank God for that.

Required reading: The Revolution, by Ron Paul